Update: new smart link creation and smart link list in HOKO

on HOKO, Update

You already know that HOKO’s SDK and deep linking platform enable developers and marketers to create smart links that drive traffic to any place within their apps. Making the results visible is always essential in marketing, that's why the HOKO platform includes a powerful smart links page for creating smart links and tracking each link’s performance by traffic, user engagement, and referral metrics in real time.

Tangible results are important for marketers, and gaining access to them quickly and easily matters a lot. That’s why we are happy to announce that we’ve redesigned the smart link page.

What’s new


As you have more and more smart links, it gets harder to find the one link you are looking for. With the new tagging function, you are able to group smart links by multiple aspects since you can add multiple tags to any smart link. For example, use the same tag for a specific marketing campaign’s smart link (“eastercampaign” or “summersale”) and the links with the same marketing goal (“referral” or “reactivate”).

Sorting and filtering

Sorting and filtering are new functions that helps marketers to handle large volume of smart links. The smart links can be sorted by the date (they were created), the number of clicks, and the number of app install, while also filtered by the associated tags. For example, if you want to see the result of a campaign, just filter the smart links with the matching campaign tag. If you have made a change during the campaign and want to see its effect, sort the smart links by date to inspect them in chronological order.

With this powerful addition, you are able to see the user-generated smart links with all their metrics in the smart link list. Use this insight for testing changes in your referral system and maximizing its potential. Another great use is to identify the most influential users who convert their peers the most effectively into new users.

Previously, once a smart link was created there was no way to change any part of it. Now, you can edit your smart links any time you want: you can edit the deep link paths, the fallback URL or even change its own URL to anything you like.

What do you think about it?

Check out the new smart links page on HOKO, and let us know how you like it! Our aim with this update was to keep the smart links easy to manage even if you have hundreds or more; we hope that you will find the changes useful. If you have anything to add, don’t hold it to yourself:

Please send your feedback in email or tweet it at @hokolinks!