What are the advantages of using our smart links?

HOKO smart links contain an extra layer of intelligence that extend the normal capabilities of regular mobile deep linking standards, even the ones announced for iOS 9 and Android M. These features are the following:

- HOKO smart links can act as deferred deep links when opened by new users, i.e. sending users to a specific section within your app once it opens even if the user needs to pass through the app store first to install your app.

- The same HOKO link works appropriately across devices to provide always the best user experiences.

- HOKO smart links are able to pass metadata, which allows apps to build dynamic personalized experiences for mobile users.

- Meanwhile HOKO complies with the new standards of iOS 9 and Android M, it’s also compatible with older OS versions and provides a complete deep link solution for them. Finally, our deep links have an adaptive fall-back. This means that you aren’t stuck with your website as your only fall-back option.

- These features are all put at your disposal to implement great features and build the best UX possible for your apps. The HOKO team would love to help you understand the full potential of these features. We will always remain available to chat with you - please feel free to contact us!

HOKO smart link

Going beyond Google and Apple standards

HOKO smart links allow you to design flexible user experiences without having to worry about the new standards, or the fact that users will open their links across different devices, platforms, and contexts. HOKO smart links will identify the opening device, and always select the best route for the user.

Moreover, it is important to emphasize that mobile apps without a website will still be able to use this deep linking technology, which is one of the main limitation of Google’s and Apple’s new standards.

With the power of smart deep links, you are not only guaranteeing the best experience for your users but actually driving up organic downloads every time you “catch” a new user who doesn’t have you app installed. These are some examples of implementations you can think of:

- Gleam use HOKO’s smart links to drive users from their newsletter to their app, where users spend 5x more time than on their mobile browser.

- Maily use HOKO’s smart links in their transactional emails to trigger actions within their app, boosting their users efficiency and engagement.

- Gymcatch use HOKO’s smart links + QR codes in their leaflets to bring users to the appropriate app store depending on the opening device.

- Hearthpedia increased the traffic to their app by 65% by using HOKO’s smart links in their push notifications strategy.